Grant Information
These guidelines are provided to assist those charitable organizations considering applying for grants from the Jacobsen Foundation.
Certainly there are many worthy charitable causes, but those falling within the following described guidelines are ones that Hans and Cay Jacobsen most actively sought to support. The Trustees charged with the responsibility of selecting recipients of Jacobsen Foundation grants consider these guidelines when making their ultimate decisions.
The Board meets quarterly however they only consider grant requests at their May and November meetings.
• The Trustees shall consider all qualified applications received from organizations that are exempt from taxation under the Internal Revenue Service Code Section 501(c)(3) of the United States of America.
• The Jacobsen Foundation generally restricts its funding to local (Lake and Sumter County) endeavors.
• Qualified organizations are those that assist children and young adults in the areas of health, education, culture, recreation and the general betterment of their lives and their participation as good citizens. No part of any gift shall be used to influence legislation or disseminate propaganda. The sole object and purpose of the trust is to further the causes of charity, education and religious instruction.
• The Foundation does not fund direct support for individuals.
Decisions regarding grants will be based on the following described considerations
1. Need.
2. The breadth of support for an organization, as reflected by the total number of contributors to it and the collective amount donated.
3. Gifts may be made for use only within the United States and its possessions.
4. Additional preference will be given to Lake and Sumter County, Florida organizations meeting the above criteria.
All gift requests must be received no later than May 1st and November 1st of each calendar year.
A completed Grant Application
• A thorough description of the purpose and proposed use of the grant
• A list of current Officers and Directors for the Organization
• Audited Financial Statements for the last 3 years. However, if a grant seeker has submitted a request in prior years, only the most current financial statements are required
• A proposed budget for the project you are asking us to consider
• A list of other sources of funds for the project. (Received and applied for)
• A Copy of the organizations Internal Revenue Service Letter of Determination confirming the organizations tax-exempt status
Although Trustees of the Foundation endeavor to respect the guidelines set forth hereinabove in virtually every case, the Trustees reserve the right to select deserving causes that may fall outside some or all of the guidelines but still demonstrate an unusual need in harmony with the concerns of the Jacobsen Foundation.